

Track aims to make it extremely easy to set up a changelog for your tech product or SaaS, using Ghost's powerful publishing tools and newsletter features, with a smart and customisable design.

Track also works really well as a minimal blogging theme. You can build an audience and newsletter too.


  • A smart and useful changelog theme (also perfect for blogging)

  • Supports Ghost's latest content cards

  • Supports multiple authors

  • Show a tags dropdown or regular navigation in the header

  • Fully translatable into any language

  • Customisable post list: two different layouts; show full posts or excerpts; show or hide authors

  • Add a banner linking back to your main site

  • An optional newsletter subscription form on every page

  • Auto dark mode, or force light mode

  • Supports member- and paid-only content

  • Built-in optional commenting

  • Easy-to-edit HTML-based theme files

  • Works on any Ghost host

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