Ghost Theme Boilerplate

Ghost Theme Boilerplate is a starter theme you can use as a basis for building and selling your own Ghost themes.

It includes everything you need to build Ghost themes, and allow you to get started quickly.

The theme includes:

  • all major pages you will need for your site (post lists, author pages, tag pages, membership pages etc)

  • helpful code snippets for showing different data (related posts, post lists, home page layouts etc)

  • code for extras like reading progress indicators, table of contents, large image previews etc

  • build scripts for easier development including live reloading as you type

  • Tailwind CSS (only limited styling applied so you can create your own designs)

  • Detailed documentation covering everything you need to build Ghost themes with the boilerplate.

The license for this theme means you can use it as a basis for personal or commercial themes (you are allowed to sell themes you make using Developer Kit 👍🏼).

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